Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I always felt when a chef prepared a dish, they should keep it as simplistic as possible.For some reason when they touched, and messed with the food too much by adding to many ingredients, it tends to mess up the dish. It loses focus on the main ingredient. I feel  pretty much the same with exercise..

When you add all these new jack moves that I see people doing I always ask my self what is the purpose of that movement. Like kettle bell swings on a bozu or some craziness..You want to work on stability then add more weight-simple! You`ll see a lot of crazy things going on, some may look really cool, but at the end of the day you have to ask your self why? What is the purpose of that movement? Investigate...Please do not become like the 90% of the population and do movements and have no clue why you`re doing them!

I`m in no way proclaiming I`m perfect in any way..cause god knows` I have a lot to work on, but I do believe basic movements work. Now skill level is a whole different ball game.. like I always say perfect practice makes perfect. But what I`m getting at is you could be a rock scientists in this field and know every movement possible from oly lifts to being rkc certified...but what it really comes down to it is you have to bust your A**! There`s no other way around it. Stick to the basics, and work hard and you`ll accomplish great results.

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder      

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