Monday, November 29, 2010


Today was okay, I de-loaded last week which kind of throws you off a bit...but is a good thing- don`t need any more injuries. So I started with upper max if you want to call it that, tomorrow lower but at lower intensity so I can regenerate. With repetition work every set goes up in load while maintaining the rep range at its highest peak, as long as form is maintained.

1-BB Chest Max Effort 5x5
2a-BB Chest Press 3x12
2b-BB Bent Over Row (Fat Grip) 3x12
3a-DB Incline Chest Press 3x12
3b-KB Clean & Press 3x15
3c-DB Reverse Fly 3x15

Bones to Beast!
Try it out let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions please don`t hesitate to drop it..


Friday, November 26, 2010


So I took this week off to let my body recover.. Iv`e been pounding it out non stop for a good minute now, and it was time for my body to take a break so I don`t over do it and hurt something. Iv`e been doing basic warm up drills and stretching to stay active but no strenuous activities. You have  to learn to let the tendons, and ligaments adjust to the stress levels we place upon them constantly..they need rest every once and a while.

I always get questions like...Rob how do you keep growing? Or how do you keep getting bigger?  I`m not, it`s just the way I train!! I work those muscles you can`t see..those are the ones that make the difference. I practice what I preach...I train like a DINOSAUR old school baby! I always do POWER movements, then REPETITION work. Rack lifts,dead lifts,squat,snatches,clean & presses,cleans, and of course sand bag work!

But most importantly I  learned to DELOAD, I throw my ego to the side and shut it down..Give your`e body time to heal, you`ll feel better, and get better results when you come back...just because you gave your`e body time to recharge. Progress is key, and if your`e broken because you don`t know how to shut the machine down -there will not be any progress! You`ll also complain about how this and that hurts, and how you`re not seeing results and all that other crap I always hear...stop crying,  and do the right thing!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Steady State Aerobics - why it hasn`t worked

Steady State Aerobics- why it hasn`t worked
Let`s think of all the reasons steady state aerobic training is supposed to burn fat.
1- It burns calories. I`ll buy that one. How does it burn calories?
Because the muscles are hard at work and demand extra oxygen to help them continue working. Hmmm, but there are a ton of activities such as weight training, sprinting, sleeping, talking, watching tv that also burn calories by requiring work from the muscles. So no extra points for aerobic training.
2- The fat burning zone. Nope- sorry doesn`t exist.
At lower intensities the body may burn 50% of the calories from fat, while at higher intensities you may burn 35% of calories from fat. But at higher intensities you burn way more total calories, and more fat calories over all than you do at lower intensities. Are sprinters fatter than long distant runners. No, sprinters carry less body fat than long distant runners due to their muscle mass..and their jacked.

3-Aerobics makes your body an "efficient fat burning machine". Yes it does demand work from the muscles, but not as much as other activities. Aerobic training doesn`t require the muscle to stay around either. Aerobic training makes muscle more efficient at using fat. So if muscle tissue is the only tissue that burns fat, and aerobic training makes it smaller and more efficient at burning fat, then essentially you are creating a smaller, more efficient fat burning machine..That`s not effective!
4- Aerobic training raises your metabolism. Metabolism is largely a function of how much muscle you carry. As aerobics does nothing to even maintain muscle, never mind build muscle, it will do nothing to contribute to raising your metabolism at rest. Sure, you`ll burn calories while you`re doing it, but will you burn any at rest as a result of doing aerobics?  No, the body literally adapts to anything we attempt to do by responding in the reverse manner. 

*So if you burn a ton of calories doing aerobic training, that same body adapts to aerobic exercise by slowing your metabolism and allowing your body to store more fat. The biggest problem with aerobic training is that you get better at it. So to continue to improve  you either go further or you run faster. Is there more joy in running 40 min. to burn the calories you once burned in 30 min? Eventually you will reach an intensity eventually that will be the end of the aerobic zone. Simply going harder will throw your body in to the anaerobic zone, you will not be doing aerobics any more. So, if you have to stop doing it at some point to get the benefits you seek why not do anaerobic work to begin with?


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The difference between cardio training and aerobic training

        This is important to understand. Cardio refers to any exercise in which the heart and lungs are involved. This could be jogging, running, sprinting, swimming, circuit training etc. If you are elevating your heart rate and respiration rate, you are doing some form of cardiovascular work.

Aerobic training refers to a state in which the cardiovascular work is performed. Aerobic literally means "oxygen". It is a relatively low intensity state of exercise that can be maintained almost indefinitely
(as long as oxygen is being supplied to the working muscles, in the required amounts- the exercise can be continued).
This is aerobic training. All aerobic training is cardiovascular training. Not all cardiovascular training is aerobic..Hope that makes sense.

*Every day I`m a drop a jewel!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems

Monday, November 22, 2010


Team Krank was in Diesel Crews domain on sunday..we were hanging out with James Smith and some of the crew. So many of them that I can`t even remember everyones name...Some real good guys man!
I had a blast with my new extended family! These guys put in work..Seems like every sunday the boys get together  and push weight. It`s like a cult, every one was in harmony just hanging out training, talking, and just having fun!

...Be warned about the widow maker, that thing sucks big ones! It`s a conditioning sequence, something like trading places that we do at Krank. But this thing is BRUTAL, no mercy. Sled pulls and Prowler runs, sounds like nothing...but don`t sleep. This torture that Smithy came up with is hardcore torture, but effective. Smithy is like a mad scientist in the iron game, he knows his sh**. The W-maker will with out a doubt separate the boys from the men period!

Look out for footage from this great experience!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Long Day...
Just touched down in Elmira N.Y. with my team"KRANK". Talk about road trip...this sucker was a 4 hour ride. Meeting up with the INFAMOUS JAMES SMITH-DIESEL CREW! Well here we are :)
So now I`m just going to relax, sleep ..something I do best, and get ready for a big training day tomorrow. I`m excited, but I`m sure there going to rip us apart.

Need to work on some things, so I`ll be sure to post up tomorrow what went down in the lab with the diesel crew...hopefully I`ll get some good footage.

Well That`s All Folks!

Coach Rob

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So I was checking some things on line today, and decided to take a quick detour and check out what`s going on in the world. So of course I winded up on face-book briefly..."shame on me" suppose to be working! I came across Joe D`s page and saw a challenge about a lad that pushed 225lbs. 40 times. Now I don`t know about you, but that`s something least to me.

I thought it was interesting, so in a nano second I just decided to get up and do it. Crazy right! I loaded up the bench to 225, and did a brief warm up which I could have done better with...Sat, layed on the bench and proceeded to get busy with the weight. To me it was challenging,  I`m not one for endurance at all! I don`t like it, but I`ll do it if need be...After starting strong I finally  crashed at 32. I thought it was 35 but the film does`nt lie. Not bad..( had to pat my self on the back ) I`ll hit it.. today is thursday-let`s say Tuesday-I`ll hit it after I come from  James from Diesel Crews extravaganza..I`m sure there going to tear a new butt hole in me!

But CHALLENGES are a great thing! They force you to step up to the plate, it makes you step out your comfort zone, and push beyond the threshold that you`re use to. It keeps it spicy, and keeps training from becoming stale and boring. Give your body a different stimulis to adapt to, after a while if you don`t switch gears you will eventually lose focus and become a robot like most of the population out in the world and wonder why you`re not getting results.. Don`t become a statistic..step out of the box!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Do you get enough recovery time in between work outs?

This is very critical when you`re trying to put on size. On top of nutrition comes adequate recovery time...Yes rest! Oh how much I love rest, if I could only find a job that allowed me to sleep and collect a fat check I`d be good :)

After going to war during a session..and I mean war with the iron, to the point of failure- getting that last rep in after you already thought you gave it all you had. Those are the reps that produce progress,  those are the reps that separate the real from the fake. At this point these barriers that you are pushing through- meaning those reps that barely made it are the ones that count..those are the ones that make you grow.

When pushing more weight than you`re use to you, you begin to create micro tears in the lean muscle mass you already have. With proper nutrition and recovery time (giving your body time to heal the broken down tissue with more lean muscle mass) your body will be ready to pound it out again..with heavier weights constantly repeating the process. With proper progression by increasing load, reps, variations you should eventually see the addition of body mass on your frame. That`s a good thing!

If for some reason you`re one of those knuckle heads that go to town pounding it out day after day I guarantee you the opposite results will occur. You will constantly break down the muscle, not giving it a chance to grow resulting in over training..and burning out. Not a good thing!

If you want to put on size- you have to push weight!
I know there is so much more to cover on this subject- but simply put rest is when you grow..not pounding it out day after day with out a plan..that`s a recipe for failure!

Coach Rob


Happy Birthday to my boy Pete!!

So everyday I take my son to school.. with the business grind I try to spend as much time as possible with him. I don`t see him too much, and I don`t want to end up like most dads` working all the time missing out on there kids as they grow up. Then regretting it..I have enough already.

Yesterday I wrote on basics, sticking to basic core movements `cause I believe they work. Everybody has specific goals that they would like to accomplish. They all derive from the same basic core movements, but the variations, rep, tempo, and programming scheme might change depending on what you would like to accomplish as far as your goal.

At this point my goals are pretty much to maintain, lately I have been working more on strength just to keep it interesting to see how far I can push it with out any injuries. It`s a change of pace for me until I switch gears in the spring and shred it down for the athletic look. So today I`m banging out some snatches as my main core movement..then push/pull work after.
*Remember if you don`t push hard, you`re not going to get the results you`re looking also have to give you`re body adequate rest time to recover, you just can`t bang out with out a plan and expect miracles to happen!

1-DB-Snatch 5x3
2a-Pull up 3xMAX
2b-DB-Chest Press 3x12
3a-KB-Bent Over Row 3x12
3b-KB-Clean&Press 3x12
This how I went from BONES TO A BEAST!
Try it out and let me know what you think...

Coach Rob

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I always felt when a chef prepared a dish, they should keep it as simplistic as possible.For some reason when they touched, and messed with the food too much by adding to many ingredients, it tends to mess up the dish. It loses focus on the main ingredient. I feel  pretty much the same with exercise..

When you add all these new jack moves that I see people doing I always ask my self what is the purpose of that movement. Like kettle bell swings on a bozu or some craziness..You want to work on stability then add more weight-simple! You`ll see a lot of crazy things going on, some may look really cool, but at the end of the day you have to ask your self why? What is the purpose of that movement? Investigate...Please do not become like the 90% of the population and do movements and have no clue why you`re doing them!

I`m in no way proclaiming I`m perfect in any way..cause god knows` I have a lot to work on, but I do believe basic movements work. Now skill level is a whole different ball game.. like I always say perfect practice makes perfect. But what I`m getting at is you could be a rock scientists in this field and know every movement possible from oly lifts to being rkc certified...but what it really comes down to it is you have to bust your A**! There`s no other way around it. Stick to the basics, and work hard and you`ll accomplish great results.

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder      

Monday, November 15, 2010


Happy Monday :)
Seems like as fast as it comes, the next one comes
Any way this weekend was was my sons birthday weekend. We really tried to make him feel extra special this weekend. Hope he remembers it.. you know how we remember glimpses of scenarios or things that we went through with our I`m hoping this is one of them :)

Today is also back to the grind..So it`s back to reality, and back to the bat cave! I have`nt worked out in a bit also, so you know that suck big time..Nothing new..if you know me some times it looks like somethings wrong but there really is`nt. That`s just my flow! Stop trying to analyze something you don`t understand..worry about your self. Until next time :)

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder         

Friday, November 12, 2010


Some times I wake up and wonder why I`m killing my self?  Day after day I  go through these motions day in and day out just to do it again. At times life is so hard  it seems it would be easier just being better off dead...Trust me I`ve come to the point countless times where I just felt like I can`t do it any more and giving up.

Then I look at the flip side of things, and look at the good around my family, my friends, my business. The accomplishments I`ve made, and the ones I want to accomplish. The difference I want to make in peoples lives, as well as my son... I want to show him anything is possible, nothing can stop you..skies the limit!

In life you`re always going to be tested..You`re always going to be hated on, pointed at, talked about, and shitted on. It takes a special breed of character, and person to push through the barriers that life puts up. The point is that you don`t give up! You keep on keeping on until you make it.

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder            

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Had to take off yesterday after that session with the fellas the day before. My CNS was shot..I was totally drained out yesterday. I was happy with the out come of Max Effort DL session, but you won`t catch me getting comfortable! Always pushing for bigger, and better in anything I do!

Todays` session was of course predominantly horizontal push/pull..So now I`m switching up flow a bit, I`m looking to build over all strength. So I`m training like a mutant freak, a lot of unconventional methods of training in the mix. Same core movements but with different variations..then of course repetition work after the strength/power movement.

I chose the sand bag for the simple reason that it`s never the same after each repetition. It`s always shifting direction forcing you`re body to adjust to control it. The synergistic muscles are constantly being taunted, and forcing you to fight the forces at hand. It`s either dominate or become dominated. Thus creating you to become stronger as you force the muscles to adapt with over loading the system with the madness.

2a-BB-Chest Press
2b-DB-1 Arm Row
3a-Push Up(chain)
3b-Inverted Row(chain)

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Howdy doodie,
My good friend Pete hit me with some unfortunate news about a mutual person we both knew had passed recently. At first I had no clue who he was speaking about because of all the burnt out brain cells, then all of a sudden it hit...Mike. I can`t believe it! My man would hustle day and night working, always up-beat and happy, wife and had a beautiful daughter that was his pride and joy. He`s gone in a blink of an eye.... Now what?

LIFE IS A GIFT! You don`t know when your time is up. This is definitely a wake up call in my eyes, prepare for tomorrow but live for today. We are on borrowed time s***... you can be here one second, and be gone the next. Let me be grateful!
Nothing but positivity coming out my butt for now on!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder                     

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 Yes a new day :)
I`m good `cause I love my know i`m sipping that bad boy right now..

So as I left off yesterday, a couple of weeks ago I attempted to bang out 495lbs on the deadlift and failed. It was a I  immediately went to to work. Gave my self two weeks to get it right. I was doing sled drags forward, reverse, and lateral. Tire drags, dl from a defecit, inverted rows, db rows, and ghr`s. I believe although I had all these weaknesses to work on, it was form and technique that allowed me to be able to pull that load.

My friends/colleagues Pete, Jason, Edwin, Zach had come down to KRANK yesterday to get it on..and we had a good time. A lot of testosterone was in the air.. the atmosphere was electrifying, some thing real serious up in the there!

So here it is..I reached my immediate goal:

1-Max Effort DL                                                                                                                                          
2- GHR                                                                                                                                                        
3-Pull Up                                                                                                                                                      
4-DB 1 arm Row                                                                                                                                         

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today the big boys are playing during recess time :)
 My man Jason M., Edwin V., and Zach are coming down to push some iron around.. Get some schooling from other Coaches and give Pete a
So today I`d better snap out of this tired slump I`m in... with the weather the way it is I`d rather be home sleeping!...Lazy!!!

So two weeks ago I had done Max Effort Deadlifts..I must say it was terrible. From then I decided to challenge my self and work on some things.(a lot of things). Now it`s time to put the pedal to the metal and see what`s really good with the progress factor.

I just recently started with p.r`s to keep it interesting. I was never one to really boast about how much weight I push..but to keep it interesting, funky and to show everyone that it`s a slow steady road you have to take- I started to post, and keep a track record of everything on this side. It`s not easy but it can be done!

Stay tuned for the outcome of today!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Like my man DAVE TATE from the elite fts family talks about well as ZACH EVEN-ESH, and JAMES never stops when your`re trying to climb up that ladder of success.
No one remembers who came in 2nd place..only 1st!

Some good things are in the works with KRANK SYSTEMS, as things unfold they will be revealed...and this is for the HATERS out there, you can`t stop the sun from shinning...You know who you are, we know about that little stunt you pulled! You might be some what good intellectually book smart, but we see right through you, ..know your place son!

Okay.. enough energy was spent on that. Time to move on to bigger and better baby!
No more negativity...

Resting up for that challenge I set for my self about 2 weeks ago. Let us see tomorrow!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, November 6, 2010


want to go back to SLEEP!
Told my client I would work out with her Saturday mornings, and right now it`s killing me.  So today while dreading it will be met/con. YUK! so not in the mood..Like I said get comfortable being uncomfortable!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today`s workout was lower body..I was suppose to do dynamic effort, but like always I wind up vearing off and loading up the iron. I can`t help it I`m a DINOSAUR, we like picking up weight baby! Which speaking of is a good book.. DINOSAUR TRAINING by Brooks Kubik if I remember`s based on real world strength training. If you`re like me and really like old school unconventional training, then this book is a must for your tool box!

As I was explaining almost 2 weeks ago I set a goal to get my deadlift right. Even though it`s not a lot of sufficient time, I`ve been doing a lot of accessory work to get it right. Rack pulls, dynamic effort Dl, and  Dl`s from a deficit. I also incorporated sled drags(forward,backwards,and lateral), and ghr`s.  When I set my mind on  something  nothing can stop me!

 Today my routine consisted of this:
*Warm up
1-BB Deadlift
2a-BB-Squat (light)

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder


Love this clip, it helps me a lot...helps me to keep moving forward.  Everyday that we wake up is a day that we have to fight for another inch  toward our goals in life. I my self choose to fight for something better, other wise what`s the purpose of living!
What about you?

Catch you guys later...

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Monday, November 1, 2010


 This workout is back to horizontal push / pull, but changing it up a bit to switch stimulis. I still do my strength/power exercise while I`m still nice and fresh.Then I go into volume work as usual..Had a session after so I skipped abdominal work(I`ll sneak it in later), and went right in to metabolic conditioning..I was pooped before I even reached the conditioning portion :)

1-BB Floor Press
2a-KB Combat Press
2b-KB Bent Over Row
3a-Chain Push Up
3b-Chain Inverted Row
4a-KB Swing

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder


Every time I watch this I have flash backs on the endeavors I`ve encountered in my life time. I sit back time to time and recall the businesses that did not take off for different reasons. Hurt so bad after the heart and soul I poured into them, just so they could fail. I felt like I failed my parents as well as my self..god it hurts just thinking about it!

One of the many things my parents taught me in life was to never give up. You dust your self off and keep moving. The world does`nt stop for anyone or anything, it keeps on going with or with out you. You can`t be scared  to take chances, you can`t be scared of failure. Besides how would you know what SUCCESS tastes like if you don`t take chances. Get comfortable being uncomfortable!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder