Sunday, September 26, 2010

Warm Up

The Pre-Show Before The main Event

Most athletes perform some type of regular warm-up and cool down during training, and I also believe that it is just as important for us do so as well. Boring, but it`s of the utmost importance.. we`re athletes as well! A proper warm up will increase the blood flow to the working muscle which results in decreased muscle stiffness, less risk of injury and improved performance. It will also stimulate the central nervous system, which will allow you to recruit more muscle fibers.. At that time the body and mind will be ready to act within the necessary parameters required to complete its task at hand.

While warming up your core temperature will increase, which will improve muscle elasticity and reducing your risk of strains and pulls. A warm muscle also contracts more forcefully and relaxes more quickly. In this way both speed and strength can be enhanced,the probability of overstretching a muscle and causing injury is far less. The range of motion around the joints are increased, while causing the blood vessels to dilate which reduces the resistance to blood flow and lowers the stress on the heart. It is also a good time to mentally prepare for the task by clearing the mind, increasing focus, reviewing skills, strategy and building concentration.

Start implementing a great warm up in to your routine, and watch the difference in your training regiment explode to new heights. If I can do it, you can as well!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Real Results Require Real Effort

I Love strength training, it represents Strength and Power! Maximum muscular strength and size can only be attained by devoting lots of effort and plenty of sweat. To become bigger, stronger, and faster you have to add weight to the bar as much as you can. Progression is the key, and if you are not adding weight to the bar you are just waisting your time, and energy.

The masses have become robots, they have become content and go through the same routine, with the same load, sets, reps expecting something different. The reason why this is so, is because people are not serious about real results. Most people who enroll in a gym use it for a social gathering or a pick up bar, they pretend to lift weights.

Everyone who engages in a serious weight training program should produce and achieve significant results from when they first started. There is not a single way to train that will get you there. It takes courage, dedication, perseverance, hard work, progression and good form to attain your goal.
"Real results require real effort"!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Effective Fat Loss

Effective Fat Loss
The Best Way to Lose Weight
Losing weight has become an American pastime, where there are thousands of products and services available designed to aid fat loss or muscle gain. They include books, video, audio, magazines, nutritional products, exercise equipment, packaged meals, support groups, and seminars. Billions of dollars are spent on these items each year by people who want to lose weight or gain weight. Most people NOT only NOT reach their goals , they also lose out in terms of wasted time and money, impaired performance, and diminished health and energy.
In its crudest  form weight lost can be accomplished by cutting  the amount of food that is consumed. Taken in to consideration cutting back too many calories and not eating the right amount of macronutrients in the proper ratio will result in loss of lean body mass. Also note that you should never try to lose fat using a crash diet, starvation diet, or any other faddish approach..  it will surely back fire and cause the loss of lean tissue and the ultimate result of slowing down your metabolism. A decrease in lean body mass means an increase in body-fat percentage, which also means a drop in your BMR (basal metabolic rate ).
In our experience  it`s not the carbohydrate intake that is  the problem, It`s junk food in the form of carbohydrate which  is the problem. Just By eliminating all the processed and refined carbohydrates from the diet, it ends up  a reduced carbohydrate diet even with unlimited vegetables. But also take in to consideration by eliminating process carbohydrates from your diet , it must be replaced with calories from proteins, fats, and vegetables to maintain adequate caloric intake.
To accomplish this goal you must be extremely strict, eating five meals a day and having a good source of protein at each meal. Eating sufficient protein  at each meal will maximize your energy, trim your waist, and assure peak performance for a good sound strength and conditioning  program.
There are no short cuts, there is no magic pill, just a will to succeed! 
*Please feel free to drop a comment or email us with any questions you might have..                                                                                                                    
Coach Rob 
Krank Systems llc  
Co Owner/Founder

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Effective Muscle Building

The Best Way To Build Muscle

The best way to build up the skeletal muscles is to follow a good solid nutritional guideline.. also a training system that is specific to your goals,  and a iron will to push weight... In other words hard work!
Many"experts" say that building muscle mass is just a matter of increasing your caloric and protein intakes. I believe this is a piece of the puzzle but not entirely so. You must also follow an effective weight training program that is designed specifically for muscle building. Not all weight training programs are designed for optimum muscle gain. For instance some "strength training" will build some muscle, but focus more on building strength and power. To put on mass you must incorporate volume in your training (hypertrophy).

The ability to build muscle mass varies among a person individually and depends on body type,sex,age, and current training status. Some people are just freaks of nature and pack on muscle the quickest(mesomorphic).
Endurance athletes tend to build muscle at a slower rate due to their type of training and training induced muscle fiber type.. In other words some people have a greater use of type2 muscle fibers which are used when weight lifting and have a faster reaction oppose to type 1 fibers where they are used in an aerobic state like running long distances.

So is it possible to possible to smack on 20 pounds of musle mass in a year? Yes, but you should not be discouraged if your personal rate of muscle gain is slower. It comes down to  vision, dedication, discipline and an iron will to bust your A** day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder