Monday, May 16, 2011


In my early years of training I had no clue what I was doing. I pretty much watched everyone in the gym mocking and mimicking movements until I started getting the hang of things. I also spent countless amounts of money on magazines and over time the benefits gained through consistent research were pretty good...but limited.

It wasn't until I surrounded myself with "true to the game" COACHES that I opened my mind allowing me to gain the knowledge and wisdom needed to progress... "Real world strength Training". My fitness abilities sky rocketed.  I began using movements such as the dead lift, clean/press, and snatch (to name a few) bringing tremendous gains in size and strength.

In conclusion, these basic movements helped me break the plateau that many of us face. It is a must that everyone incorporate these strength/power movements in their training regimen. As I became stronger, I started pushing more weight. The more weight I  pushed the bigger I became. Thus becoming Bones to Beast.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


Just in any thing you do exercise takes time, it is not going to happen over night.

For example, just like fine wine by the time it reaches the bottle, it’s gone through huge amounts of change (time). For those who are skilled in the kitchen and have made a soup or stew, there’s the adage that it’s always better the second day, and this holds true to wine. It takes a while for the ingredients in a wine to mesh and aging a wine will give it the necessary time to reach that optimal state. 

The same holds true to exercise & fitness, it will take at least 12 weeks until you start to see change start to happen. In the first month alone your body will learn new movement patterns as you hone in and improve on your new skills. For some it might happen quicker, for some a bit longer... Just as long as you`re in it for the long run. As your body movement skill increases, so will the intensity and load. This is when every thing meshes together and the flavors fuse together like a fine wine or dish of elegance. The outcome will be stupendous! 

The change is inevitable...You must give your body the necessary time it needs to reach it`s optimal state to change. Only then you will realize that all the BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS you have shed are starting to pay off!  

There are no short cuts in life,  just good old fashioned hard work. It`s amazing how the people of yesterday were so strong and fit, they got up and worked for what they wanted!


Thursday, April 14, 2011


When they`re out of whack, they make us stressed, tired and fat.
Eating too many simple carbs will up your levels of insulin, a hormone that tells your body to store calories as fat when levels get too high. Also when taking in to little or too much iodized salt your thyroid begins slow down as well storing fat.

So now what?
-Purge process foods.
-Get more sleep
-Eat enough

When having a great eating plan, you use food to help stabilize key hormones, which maximize and speed up your metabolism dropping pounds fast.
Consuming the right nutrition every 2-3 hours will keep the metabolism on over drive. Keeping your metabolism in high gear is key to watching the pounds of fat disappear!


Sunday, April 10, 2011



For my comrades that like to push weight. I`m human as well, and went in to a funk for a bit. Now it`s time to get back in to gear (mass building), and put the metal to the pedal!

Basic Routine:
1-BB Squat 
2a-SB Lunges
3a-KB Swing(extra work)
3b-BB Calf Raise
(Consistency + Hard Work + Balanced Diet) Positive Attitude/ Max Effort = Results


Monday, March 28, 2011


“I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it.”

Too often we post pone our lives waiting to achieve one goal after another.  We line all our ducks up in a row; not wanting to move forward until everything is just right.

We put off getting married until we’re all partied out.  We delay having children until our career is in full bloom.  We delay having guests over until we purchase new tableware.  We hold off on buying a nice suit until we’ve lost the weight.

We sacrifice living!  We put off letting life happen because we are so busy strategizing and making sure every “I” is dotted and “T” is crossed. 
Life doesn’t wait.  It just keeps going, whether we are where we want to be or not.

I like the idea of throwing myself into life – success or no success.  I am not promised tomorrow so I will live to the fullest today!


Thursday, March 10, 2011


For most people, a training facility such as Krank Systems JC is a scary place. A place that is different. A place where pain is game and results are everything. 
Most people would prefer a luxury gym with razzle dazzle; a health club with spa amenities or home equipment with flat screen plasmas in front of them. 

I grew up in a training facility. I played with barbells.  I colored progress charts.  I learned a lot about courage, patients, consistency, hard work, focus, motivation and most importantly, results.  The training facility was my church, my school, my home; it was a safe place, my sanctuary. I loved it there.  Correction:  Will always love it here!

As the saying goes, “One bad apple spoils the bunch”.

It has come to my attention that some individuals think fat will miraculously disappear from the girth of their loins.  They go to training facilities such as Krank Systems, sign up, and think that after 10 years of bad dieting and sitting on the couch they will lose the weight in 30 days or less.  Although I pride myself in the attention I pay to each and every client, I am not Harry Potter.  Weight loss or mass gain will not disappear with the wave of a wand.  You have to DO THE WORK!  You have to MAKE THE EFFORT!  You have to CHANGE YOUR DIETARY LIFESTYLE!  You have to COMMIT!  You have to be CONSISTANT!  Most importantly, you have to HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!

Here’s a lesson:

(Consistency + Hard Work + Balanced Diet) Positive Attitude/ Max Effort =


I don’t want any bad apples in my facility! 

Keep your negative attitude at home.  If you don’t want to do the work; don’t come here.  I’m not in the business to take your money;  I’m in the business to change the lives of those who want results.

With that said:

If you want me to help you; I can.  If you want me to guide you; I will.  If you want nutrition advice I will do my best to bring you all the knowledge, experts, and references I source.  If you want to commit, do the hard work and stay consistent; I’M YOUR MAN!    

I can motivate you and push you to greatness.  We can climb the mountain together.  I can lead you to the drinking well HOWEVER, I will not carry you nor will I force you to drink!


Thursday, March 3, 2011



“Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something.”

The path to anything isn’t always a straight and smooth one.   Almost any aspect of our life can be disturbed as we accomplish goals and set new ones.  Being promoted may mean a change in relationship with colleagues.  Meeting fitness goals may mean having to change eating habits.  Starting a family may require an adjustment to priorities.

The only way to avoid a disturbance would mean avoiding taking a step forward.  But who wants to stand in one place?

We may be stirring things up every time we take a step forward but at least we will be going somewhere.
