Sunday, October 31, 2010


At the lab ( KRANK ) we clean and disinfect everything DAILY...there`s no if, ands`, or buts about it. It comes way too fast ( it seems like yesterday we just did it ) , but at the end of every month we strip down the mats and probably go through a gallon of bleach and disinfectant in a day. I mean some mean old school cleaning..not fun at all!

This is to ensure we take every step to making sure the facility is safe and clean from viruses, and any bacteria. We understand that a lot of blood, sweat, & tears are shed here on a daily basis.. and don`t want to take any chances with the nastiness that can be spread around! Homey don`t play that! Check out some of the footage with Coach Pete..

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Friday, October 29, 2010


Long day! Very productive I might add, we tackled a lot of issues at the lab today. My nutrition uptake was`nt the best...just was`nt in the mood today( just an off day ), but normally it would be about 6-8 meals daily. I don`t measure any thing out because I don`t have the time...pretty much load it up with the essentials and just eat. If I was to measure things out I`m sure the astetic out look would be off the charts, but am I competing for a title or something? Nope, so I`m just going to eat..I love food too much :) I`ll just make sure I don`t go crazy that`s all, I`ll just train hard/hard-ER.

Today was vertical push/pull for the most part. I always start with a core/power movement, and then run into the volume work after wards. I`m not claiming that it`s the only modality of training, but I`m using a system that works for me. I  don`t just want the astetic effect of the iron game..I also want the power to back it up!
I always felt that if your bark was loud, your bite better be something serious. All to often I see clowns walking around with a big chest in the gym until it comes down to show time. Then you see who`s really real, and who`s fake!

Keeping it`s what went down today:

1-Pull up
2a-chin up
2b-DB-Clean & Press
3a-DB-Side Laterals
3b-DB-Reverse Flys

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder


I know, I know...Slacked off yesterday spending quality time with my son threw me off course, I totally crashed laying down with him as I  was trying to put him to sleep. Uh oh..Halloween weekend, looks like trick or treating with little man. So let`s get down to business.. yesterday was accessory work.

I was working on form ever since the video, which speaking of was totally crappy, very much ashamed of that..I know better than that! Dynamic effort deadlifts...along with that was lateral sled drags for synergistic muscles (adductors,aductors etc.), abdominal region, and back extensions. Progress is key!

1-Deadlift 12x2
2a-Lateral Sled Drags 6
2b-Reverse Sled Drags
3b-Back Extensions

Today looks like Vertical Push/pull for me..oh what fun :). Don`t really feel like doing anything, but laying down in my we`re talking!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today was definately a scrambler..Group training is rough enough, but when you have 2-3 different programs simultaneously it`s no joke. You`re every where at 1 time, progressing/regressing/modifying making sure everything is going smooth with out any problems erupting...especially injuries!

Coaching is hard, and I truly believe that if you don`t love doing this you`re in the wrong field. You can`t get in this for the money, it`s not a quick hustle for a buck. These are the imposters that forge themselves as COACHES and turn and burn. Which gives the TRUE COACHES a bad name in the game. It takes years of patience and dedication to hone your skills in this trade. Days and nights with little to no sleep studying/reviewing information...countless amounts of  trial and error trying to perfect your craft, and even at that point you never stop learning. I`m the first to tell you I learn everyday, and don`t proclaim to know it all.. I still use coaches to correct me when I`m wrong, put me in my place, and help push me to the next level.  It never stops!

I tell you one thing though, it`s a great feeling when you see people start from the bottom and advance to levels beyond there imagination. Money can`t buy fulfillment like that I tell you..

Todays work out was upper:
2a-DB-Chest Press
2b-Rope_Recline Rows
3a-BB-Bent Over Rows
3b-CHAIN-Push Up

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Great day..It was pretty busy as usual, which busy is good. Trust me I`m not complaining :)
So yesterday I went through my episode with the bb-deadlift and reviewed some things that were going on. I appreciate the feed back I recieved from two great Coaches Ted Recitas, and Jason Manenkoff. So I`m taking care of business, and really focusing on that posterior chain of the body... putting in work. Lot`s of Dynamic effort, form, and accessory work..I`m not playing!

Some footage on the rest of the work out after the max effort:

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Monday, October 25, 2010


Long day..Sheesh,
Just finished up the last group session for the night, and I`m wiped out. So this morning I had my breakfast and everything ready for a great work out early in the day. I planned it that way but did`nt happen, had to take care of personal issues that threw the whole day off of schedule. Screwed me up, totally threw my mental way off game...but that`s life, you have to be ready for anything...

Today I went for Max Effort Lower it was an ok workout..I did`nt edit anything so everyone can see that I still struggle in my workouts day to day also. It was`nt the prettiest, but it is what it is. Lil` Rob signing off..
Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Sunday, October 24, 2010

MY Story 4

Seems like for ever..this crap`s not done yet!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today was hard,  I started a project today.. so the day started extra early. I was definitely hurting until I had my coffee :).  Going to let my body recover today, so I`ll  head to the lab early tomorrow and get my grind on. You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm! I function better in the morning anyway..

So let`s do this..The reason why I`m revealing my story to people is because I want people to know who I am, and what I`ve been through and still go through. It`s not easy..We all have a story,  I`m just sharing mine!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hey guys/gals,

I`m feeling really good today..I got a good meal in with plenty of Protein and carbs. I hit it hard today while my swagger was in full effect :). Did some horizontal push pull...Usually I would do 5x5`s,  but I had decided to go ahead and try  the 5,3,1 proticol with my core exercises( it works ) and then bang out the rest with repetitions.. as a finisher I did some sled drag sprints for cardio/lower body, and also while the weather is still nice out.

Check out the link below:
I maxed out at 435lbs on the bench..This is what I did today:
1-BB chest press- 5x1
2a-DB flat chest press
2b-BB 1 bent over row
3a-DB incline chest press
3b-DB 2  point row
4-core circuit

I`ve been wondering what other people do to keep up their strength gains,and muscle size up..if you have any suggestions or questions feel free to drop a gem on me..

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder


Everyone has a story, and this is mine. Like everyone else, life has it`s struggles. I figured I`d share mine.
This is who I am..
Here is another clip:

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here it goes..I`m baring it all, revealing the drama that I went through that a lot of people don`t know about. This is what my journey consisted of, and what put me on my course as a professional fitness coach. I`m in no way proclaiming I know all there is to know in the iron game. What I do know is that I just don`t talk the talk, I walk this b****!

I know what it is to be in the trenches..I know what it is to struggle, I know what it is to get caught up in the game especially with the pressures of today.. but through it all, like a pheonix I rose from the ashes!


Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


What`s up...
This morning I was feeling good, and wanted to go heavy. You ever have those days that you`re feeling really good, all pumped up ready to go. Then the time comes, you`re ready to deliver and all of a sudden you have nothing. Yup, that was me today..
Today is Max Effort upper body, but it was`nt happening.

I honestly believe it`s because I have not been on point with my food intake. I`ve been slacking with the most important meal of the day...BREAKFAST(amongst other meals)! What I need to is every Sunday I am going to make a run to the market, and plan out my meals just the way I use to. All the basics.. my Proteins(fish,poultry,meat), Complex Carbohydrates(oatmeal,sweet potato,brown rice), and plenty of vegetables( and misc. things too). I also would take multivitamins, Bcaas, fish oil for anything I was lagging on. To me I feel it helped a lot, some may disagree. But when it comes down to it the only thing that really matters is your opinion.

So now that I targeted the problem we`ll see how I do next week with Max Effort. I`m going to lay low with it until my nutrition comes up to par. So for now I`ll do volume training and conditioning in the mean time.
*Let me know what you do when you come across this situation.

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I remember years back when I did`nt have a worry in the world. At the time the biggest worry was making it to class, and what I was going to wear that day. There was a point of time where I knew a lot of people, and thought I would have those friends around in my life forever. I was super bad, so I thought I was..eventually my father watching from a far pulled me to the side and said "In life you`re lucky if you even have one true friend" maybe two if you`re really lucky. Looking back on all the years that have passed it seems like he`s right!

One thing`s for sure, the thing that did`nt let me down and disappear on me is the iron game. I recall years ago when everyone was hanging out and partying I was in the gym pounding it out. Day in and day out I was busting my a** in the gym, it was my place of refuge, it was my home away from home. Some times I would even train twice a day. My day consisted of work, gym, home everyday..that`s it! I remember actually getting teased and made fun of because that`s all I did. Now 14-15 years later it paid off I`d say. Took a lot of sacrifice and still does `til this day.

Now I look around to see who`s still around in my life, and I seem to draw a blank. A True friend is really hard to find these days, and the iron game to me has proven her self time and time again(can`t forget family). If it was`nt for her keeping me busy, draining the living crap out of me who knows what kind of trouble I would have gotten in to. She`s there patiently waiting for me wheter it`s sunny, raining, or snowing.. she`s there. No fussing, no attitude, and never judging me (well she does when we`re at war with one another pounding it out). Time and time again she`s proven her friendship worthy.
Through it all the Iron Game has been a true friend!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Monday, October 18, 2010


So this morning I woke up extra early, and you know what was the first thing I did?
Pressed that button and brewed a nice bold cup of COFFEE :)
While that was going I smacked on some gear, and foam rolled really quickly. Stepped out side and proceeded to do dynamic warm up drills...have to prepare the body before I begin to pound it out, I don`t need any injuries.

I just feel like I need to work on the Type 1 muscle fibers, figured I gotta build the heart & lungs. So I started jogging, boy did it suck when I started! I can`t stand performing cardio, and I never understood how some people love it. I was actually doing steady stasis(yuk). Maybe 20 minutes in to the run I started to fall in to this zone, I really started enjoying it. I was panting like a dog, but it really felt good. Before I knew it I banged out 3 miles, it helped me clear out my head and gather my thoughts. It`s probably going to start being a part of my regiment for now on.. better late than never!

Later today will be max effort lower. I usually wouldn`t mix a long run with max effort lower, but who said rules are`nt made to be broken. If you are at war in combat, would your enemy have mercy on you because you already fought? Nope, he`s taking you down! So you have to be ready for any thing at any time... KILL or be KILLED.

Fill me in on your training regiment, let me know what your training consist of..maybe we can learn from each other :)

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Secrets to success Pt. 1

How bad do you really want it? I don`t know about you, but I`m not about just getting by, these days you have to get over! Blood, sweat , and tears baby..Meet you guys at the top!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Friday, October 15, 2010


It`s crazy how much I love coffee. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is walk to the coffee machine, I stop no where else. I`ll drink that sucka right before my work out, after, during session, even before I go to bed. A little too much I might add! I must say I`m addicted :). Just plain old Joe with a splash of cream, and sugar...not into all that crazy flavor stuff.

Today was hard as hell to get up..if it wasn`t for coffee I would be one cranky son of a gun. I already am, so could you imagine me with out it :)
I`m sure everyone has there own thing that gets them up and going. What get`s your day started?

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Thursday, October 14, 2010


In the beginning I was`nt this big guy you see now. I was small and skinny just like a lot of other guys out here. As a kid I was beat up on, bullied, and even made fun of. Every girl that I seemed to like would just shut me down, and my heart was crushed time and time again. I remember dudes would just not like me for no apparent reason at all, and find an excuse to pick a fight with me. At such a young age I was even encountering racism. For some reason I was always a target some how.

I was dealing with deep depression, and still do. This over time started to make my heart become cold, I started to learn how to disconnect my feelings with reality with out realizing it. I started mingling with the wrong people, which of course became a domino effect in to other things. The alcohol and drugs came in to play..and I started running the streets hard. I was getting in to all types of trouble. I put my parents through hell!

What helped me turn my life around was my parents, they never gave up on me as hard as it was for them. The turning point for me was the last time I was in trouble, I looked back at my parents and saw the look in my mothers eyes...the hurt and pain..that killed me! So from then on I knew I had to get my act together. God knows how much I wish I could take it all back, I still break down and cry just thinking about what I put them through. It`s probably some of the demons I deal with inside that haunt me.

What turned me out to to the Iron Game was when my girlfriend at the time cheated on me, and left me for someone else. That devastated, and crushed me into a million pieces. I had built up so much anger, and hate through the years I knew I needed an outlet like real quick before I did something stupid! So I joined this whole in a wall gym in Jamaica, Queens and it was history from there. Now I`m glad that incident happened..It was like it was meant to be, there was no other feeling like that for me. When I gripped that weight I knew the Iron game was my calling. I took all my frustrations, and anger out on the Iron. It was therapy for me, and still is. It`s the only thing that no one can take from me..It`s my world!

It`s been about 14-15 years that I`ve been pretty serious..I even remember messing with my brothers weights at a pretty young age(12). I still deal with a lot of issues internally that carried over from the years, and if you know me I have no type of poker That`s why I zone out and bang out the weights, keeps me level headed. So this did`nt happen over took a lot time, hard work and dedication to build this tank :)

Too much info!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We`re half way there :)
Bulls***, when grinding you`re constantly on the move..Rest is for broke people!
Can`t mess with people who complain about life and do nothing to change the outcome. You only have one chance to make your dreams come true, there is`nt any second time around. So if you`re going to make it happen, the time is now..just like Nike says "JUST DO IT".

Enough of my
I `m feeling good..this morning I had my usual breakfast when I wake up. Oatmeal,eggs and of course my coffee.. Just finished my next meal which was chicken, and broccoli..I`m actually mentally getting ready to hit the iron full force.. pretty much getting ready for war! Today I`m going to smash the upper with heavy compound movements, horizontal push/pull..and mix in vertical of course..

1- BB Chest press 5x5
2a-DB incl chest press 4x12
2b-BB bent over row
3a-BW pull up
3b-kb clean/press

Gotta get back to work!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I`m pumped up to get thing`s going..Scheduled everything out, but there`s still NOT ENOUGH TIME IN THE DAY. So I`m just going have to go down my list, prioritize and bang out the most important things first. My mind is all over the place.. I`m constantly analyzing and breaking things apart in my head, so when you see me quiet some where and think something`s wrong just know there is`nt. Wise men build and destroy, I`m just thinking and plotting on the next project.

So since I`m stressed for time, I think I`m going to have to squeeze a basic BB complex in so I don`t fall too far behind in my training. It`ll keep me active and help me in my regenerating process,usually at KRANK we`ll use a complex as a finisher. But today it will be my main event..

BB Complex- 4-6 rounds: 8reps
Push Press

Tell me and share your training regiment..we can all learn from each other!
c ya tomorrow :)

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Monday, October 11, 2010


It`s Monday everyone :)
That means the weekend is over, and BACK ON THE GRIND we go. So today it was back to work, but it seems like the time I have a way from work I`m busy trying to catch up on everything else I could`nt get to during the work week..and wind up working from home to get other things accomplished. In reality you never really get to have time off. That`s why some people are successful,they don`t stop! They`re always progressing towards new goals, constantly grinding. Okay enough, I`m sure you get the point by now.

Today has been busy from the jump start, but managed to get a session in for myself. I tend to train 4-6 days a week depending on my schedule between juggling work, family, and everything in between. But I do my hardest to get it in. I`ll usually do a upper, lower, then full body day. In between these main workouts I`ll do accessory work, more of a body building split. The important thing is that I will not bang out to where it affects my main work out the next day, it`s important not to forget about recovery time. Today was Max Effort lower for me, so below I`ll show you what I did today..

A-warm up
Main Event
1-BB- Squat 5x5
2a-SB- walking lunges 4x12
2b-KB- RDL
4-Sled Drags 4x FWD/REV

I feel good, but yes I`m tired :)
Feel free to leave me suggestions or comments.. gotta get back to work!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I`m doing real good right now :)
I have my morning Joe(coffee), and my bad start of a breakfast(doughnuts)..but hey it`s Sunday right! Well deserved after a long week of madness. Wondering what to eat up next(starving).

I tell you this though, I`m going to have to work extra hard to burn off these fat deposits I`m putting on my body. Starting to notice how often I`ve been treating my self, thing`s on my body are not looking like before. I have to start writing a food journal to see what`s going on, that way I can actually observe what I`m consuming.Some Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast would be so justifying right now :). Since I already treated my self for the day I`m forced to now eat my Oatmeal,and eggs. Next treat is tomorrow :(.

I found that this method works for me, it keeps me from going crazy swallowing up everything I see in sight. I LOVE food and seriously adore the pleasures of life..but EVERYTHING`S DONE IN MODERATION! That way all the work through the years I put in is not a waste of time and energy. I will still reward my self with crappy food I will not lie(don`t tell anyone), but it keeps me in line... Also want to keep up with my son too as he becomes older :). So I have to stay in shape!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today I did`nt feel like doing CRAP! It was saturday morning at 6am, everyone is sleeping and of course I had to get up for work.For those who know me when I`m in a bad mood stay out my way ( which is 90% of the time-lol ) I have to thank my Dad for prepping me. Boy I tell you if it was`nt for my father training me for this crap years ago..Planting the seed in me to get up and work hard day in and day out- who knows where I would be right now...

So I eat breakfast, shower, pack my stuff and off to the Lab I go( KRANKSYSTEMS). Of course so freaking early in the morning with my luck I hit traffic, which kills about 25min. Becoming late for work once again, get the run down from my partner..and begin to get to work(Yippy..yeah right!). After all the sessions were done I proceeded to clean up and boogy out, there was no way in h*** I was trying to workout. Unfortunately earlier I screwed up and told my partner Pete that I would be doing tire drags as a finisher with my workout. But of course my ***hole partner had to call me out and dropped the bomb in front of everyone..gotta lov`em. So if you know me I was pissed, but he was right! I was making excuses again and had to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. You have to keep it moving.(but god only knows how hard it was, amongst other things..)

Bottom line is if it was easy everybody would have it."Some days are harder than others" and on those days you have to push even harder to bust through the barriers. This is what creates SUCCESS!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder

Friday, October 8, 2010


I must say, I have no excuses why I did`nt post this week but plain old slacking and laziness! I`m trying to do so many projects at one time and failed to schedule and plan it all out. There are ways in completing many tasks but all in all you must think and plan ahead.. so enough for the small talk. Could have gotten so much done if I just planned ahead!! That way I have nothing side tracking me.
-Took son to school
-Coached sessions
-Trained my self
-Talked to zoning board for upcoming events
-conference with business partner & graphic designer
-typed out business request
-worked on blog :)

So there you go, I did absolutely nothing!
Everyone, to be successful in everything you do you must schedule and Plan!

Coach Rob
Krank Systems llc
Co Owner/Founder