Monday, November 29, 2010


Today was okay, I de-loaded last week which kind of throws you off a bit...but is a good thing- don`t need any more injuries. So I started with upper max if you want to call it that, tomorrow lower but at lower intensity so I can regenerate. With repetition work every set goes up in load while maintaining the rep range at its highest peak, as long as form is maintained.

1-BB Chest Max Effort 5x5
2a-BB Chest Press 3x12
2b-BB Bent Over Row (Fat Grip) 3x12
3a-DB Incline Chest Press 3x12
3b-KB Clean & Press 3x15
3c-DB Reverse Fly 3x15

Bones to Beast!
Try it out let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions please don`t hesitate to drop it..



  1. Maybe I would have added pullups or something like that, but seems good to kick your ass back from a deload!

  2. Good observation..The primary focus was chest, I threw back,and shoulders in. Didn`t want to blast out the back because it will be focused on in the next upper work out. Nothing is set in stone, rules are made to be long as their is rhyme and reason to what you`re doing. Has to make sense! Thx for that feed back Big Will..
