Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In life we want to be happy.   We try to be happy.   We try so hard that our happiness becomes a force directly applied to the surface of ourselves exploding with resentment. 
I read a story about a woman who wrote about her mother and how she tried to make everyone happy because she thought it would make her happy.  She gave selflessly to her family and friends.  The daughter remembered one time when they were having dinner and there was one piece of chicken left.  Without hesitation her mother gave it to her. The daughter said, “I knew she wanted it, but genuinely wanted me to have it more.  That was always something that astounded me - that very authentic selflessness.”
Reading on I begin to realize this was a consistent theme of recollection throughout the daughter’s childhood; not only with those that live within the house hold but also with those that didn’t.  In the end, it wasn't good for the mother.  She was unhappy.  She is still unhappy.
As children we dream about the perfect career, best friends as neighbors, wedding veils, and white picket fences.  As adults something happens; reality gets in the way of our ability to dream or act the happy part. 
Our health can fail. Friends can disappoint. Your spouse can cheat.  The list goes on and on. It is in these moments you want to get real, drop the act and be your true unhappy self because it is so often the little things - like resentments - that finally divide people.
Life keeps us on our toes. It crafts a challenge for us everyday especially with friends and family however, there has to be a balance. Although we must keep our peace, we must also speak our peace.  Like a pressure valve we all need an outlet.  A slow leak that keeps us stable because at the end of the day…something’s gotta give!
Twitter: kranksystemsjc

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